Biohacked Bodies

30 January 2018 | JuJu Bar and Stage, London, UK


Virtual Futures presents a panel discussion on biohacking, implantable devices and human augmentation.

Biohackers modify or augment their body with the use of technology. Popular modifications include magnets installed into the fingertips or in the ear, radio frequency identification (RFID) chips implanted into the hand, transdermal (beneath-the-skin) LED lights, chips that can read bio-signals and devices that can provide new senses.

Whilst biohacking has commonly been considered a fringe activity, it is now estimated that 10,000+ people worldwide have RFID chip implants. On the realisation that this kind of activity was possible, and relatively safe, companies have now adopted implants as an alternative to ID cards.

What does this mainstream adoption mean for the future of the biohacking movement? What limitations do they still hope to overcome? How are implantable devices being used in a medical context? What can we learn from these early-experimentations?

Join the pioneers who are continuing to push the boundaries, and explore what’s possible with these new intimate interfaces.


Lepht Anonym, Biohacker (@Lepht_Anonym)

Liviu Babitz, CEO & Co-Founder of Cyborg Nest (@CyborgNest)

Matt Eagles, Patient Engagement Advocate (@MattEagles)

Amal DT Graafstra, Founder of Dangerous Things (@DangerousThings)

Moderated by:

Luke Robert Mason, Director of Virtual Futures (@LukeRobertMason)



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