Space Colonisation

27 February 2018 | Ninety One, London, UK


Virtual Futures presents a panel discussion on the human exploration of space.

Living beyond the earth’s atmosphere continues to pose a significant scientific challenge. Solutions for surviving in space include the complete cyborgisation of the human body, the construction of large artificial orbital habitats, and even the radical terraforming of other planets. Despite the extreme industrial and economic undertaking associated with these methodologies, scientists have stressed the importance of space colonisation as the most viable solution to ensure the long-term survival of human civilisation.

If we are to flourish in extra-terrestrial environments, how might such colonies be constructed? And, how can we convince the public that space exploration is a sufficiently valuable social goal?

Join us for a discussion with the innovators who are developing the visionary space projects that could enable human life to flourish among the stars.


Rachel Armstrong, Professor of Experimental Architecture at Newcastle University & Author of Star Ark: A Living, Self-Sustaining Spaceship (@LivingArchitect)

Dallas Campbell, Television Presenter & Author of Ad Astra: An Illustrated Guide to Leaving the Planet (@DallasCampbell)

Dr. Olesya Myakonkaya, Founder of Mars Nation (@OlesyaSci)

Jerry Stone, Spaceflight UK (@SpaceflightUK)

Moderated by:

Luke Robert Mason, Director of Virtual Futures (@LukeRobertMason)


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